State Secretary - Deputy Defence Minister Anna Tsivileva inspects renovation of branch of the A.A. Vishnevsky military hospital

State Secretary - Deputy Defence Minister Anna Tsivileva inspects renovation of branch of the A.A. Vishnevsky military hospital State Secretary - Deputy Defence Minister Anna Tsivileva inspected the construction of the fourth medical building of a branch of the A.A. Vishnevsky military hospital in Moscow region. The building is constructed according to a renovation programme of medical facilities of the Russian Defence Ministry. Anna Tsivileva was briefed by the chief of the branch Lieutenant Colonel of medical service Aleksandr Kotko. He informed the Deputy Defence Minister that all of the construction works are going according to the plan and they will be finished until the end of this year. The Deputy Defence Minister pointed out that the renovation of the military hospitals is supervised directly by Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov. She noted that all of the construction works must be completed on time and the Russian defence department is ready to allocate all necessa... Source: MoD Russia
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