Window on Britain 08 London

Window on Britain 08 London Научу вас разговаривать по-английски. Вы сможете общаться с носителями языка, и они скажут, что у вас хороший уровень. Записывайтесь на пробное занятие прямо сейчас - Все части здесь Hi! In this programme we’re going to take a look at London. London is the capital of Britain. It‘s a fascinating and exciting city with a very long history. Let’s find out more. London is on the River Thames. In about forty-three AD the Romans built the first bridge over the river and that was the beginning of the City of London. Until 1747 there was only one bridge over the Thames. Now there are twenty-nine - some for cars, some for trains and some for pedestrians. Some are very famous like this one - Tower Bridge. London has a population of nearly seven million. It’s a big city. But travelling around it is easy. You can take
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