【MMD // Remake】Forget

[This is not an animation meme.] I typed so much below this oH- oh my! It’s a giant wall of text! 𝘼𝘼𝘼𝘼𝘼𝙃𝙃𝙃 D : Some of you may already know that I deleted my channel called “Neoly.“ The reason for that is because I personally hated the channel and I don’t think what I was uploading was showing the right things in mmd. (i did mmd videos on how i animated and stuff.) I’m sorry if I have made anyone upset. I didn’t expect anyone to care if the channel was gone tbh. I might end up making another channel but i don’t knoww. :c Anyway, the girl with the hair buns that are black and gray, her name is Ariah. (It’s pronounced as “area.“) The girl with the white hair, her name is Blare. Ariah is human. (Kind of) While Blare is a Vampire/ are my Ocs. (I did not make the models. I just helped with making them. I did make the characters tho.)) I have other ocs but I&#
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