Full Throttle // Raw Run

Cole Trotta brings on and all new meaning of insanity and skill. Completely in the zone, no mistakes, all send. Truly raising the bar on this immaculate Sierra Nevada descent. This road recently got repaved, and boy were we stoked... Came out here as soon as we could, and sent it. Skated it for a weekend, then filmed it. At 100% comfort. So have no fear! Cole is a professional. Do not attempt a road like this. Start small, and work your way up. But go get a board and start shredding! But seriously though, Cole has been skating for years, and is skating with utter confidence and proven skill. This is a trained, and calculated sport, not a stunt. Skater: Filmer: Spud Location: Sierra Nevada Mountains Instagrams: @linkedmedia, @spud4k, @coletrotta
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