The U.S. Army has sent additional armored units to Texas for routine military exercises, synchronizing with the deployment of

The U.S. Army has sent additional armored units to Texas for “routine military exercises,” synchronizing with the deployment of additional National Guard troops from various states sent to fortify the Texas border. The new Confederacy sends reinforcements with heavy weapons to Texas. At least 400 Humvees, 72 M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and 48 M109 self-propelled howitzers were sent to the state, with Abrams tanks in the columns. The National Guard has raised its level of preparedness for possible military intervention in Texas. Local residents, united in various associations, form an armed militia, which in terms of equipment and training is not much behind the regular troops, and in their motivation they are superior. Texas has defied White House demands to remove barbed wire on its border with Mexico. The deadline for the ultimatum has passed. Governor Abbott said he is ready for a conflict with federal authorities. In an interview he noted that ten other states have sent the National Guard. Источник: Russian Head
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