To be better. Психология и саморазвитиеtan video

Hello! I strive to live a slower and more traditional lifestyle while finding God’s beauty in the ordinary. ························································· 🕯Instagram: ⭐Outfit is from littlewomenatelier on etsy ························································ Dried Oranges Preheat oven to 200F 1. Cut oranges into thin slices 2. Pat off excess moisture with paper towel 3. Place on lined baking tray 4. Dry in oven about 2-3 hours ( This really depends on how thin the slices are. The ones in the video took about 3 and a half hours because they were quite thick, but in the past they have only taken an hour and a half.) Minced Meat mixture Ingredients 2 large sweet apples, peeled, cored and diced 4 tablespoon of candied peel or the zest of 1 large orange 1 c raisins ½ c golden raisins ½ c dried apricots, chopped 1/3 c dark brown sugar ¼ c lemon juice ½ tsp cinnamon ½ tsp nutmeg ½ tsp allspice ½ c brandy (bottom shelf is fine) Instructions a medium saucepan, mix diced apples, candied peel or orange zest, and remaining ingredients except the brandy. Stir and simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally for 30 minutes. the mixture from the heat and stir in the brandy.* the mixture in an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks before using, to let the flavors meld. This will keep in the fridge 2-3 months Minced Pies Ingredients 350 g all-purpose flour 12.5 oz/ scant 3 cups 2 tablespoon granulated sugar 1 teaspoon fine sea salt 280 g unsalted butter 10 oz/ 2 ½ sticks 4-5 tablespoon cold water Egg yolk and water for egg wash Instructions flour, sugar and salt to a medium bowl 2. Rub in butter with fingers until it resembles course breadcrumbs 3. Add water a bit at a time until it comes together (i ended up using 4 tablespoons) 4. Split in half and wrap in plastic wrap and set in fridge for 1 and a half hours the oven to 180 degrees Celsius/ 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease the molds of two muffin trays. and cut dough: Remove half of the dough from the fridge and let the rest in the refrigerator until needed. Roll out the dough to about 3mm/ inches thick. Cut 24 circles of the dough using a large cutter of about 6 cm/2.5 inches diameter. Press the circles into the molds of the muffin tray. : Place 1 teaspoon filling into each cup and spread evenly. pies: Roll the remaining dough and cut 24 smaller circles with a smaller cutter of about 5 cm/2 inches. Dab some water around the edges of the pastry in the tray and place the smaller circles on top of each tart. Crimp and seal the edges with a fork. Cut a slit or two on top of each pie to allow the steam to escape. 9. You can also cut out stars to place on top wash: Mix the egg yolk and the milk and brush the pastry with the mixture. the pies in the hot oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Leave to cool in the tray for about 5-10 minutes before transferring them onto a wire rack. Time Stamps 0:00 Dried Orange Garland 0:50 Minced Pie Mixture 2:35 Pastry #slowliving #simpleliving #slowlivingchristmas
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