(23 Sep 1998) T/I: 10:05:01
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on Tuesday (22/9) accused his detained former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim of sodomy and of plotting to overthrow him. At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur he said Anwar was trying to “whip up emotion“. Also on Tuesday, Anwar’s wife Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was being initimated by police as they surrounded the family home for the first time and dispersed supporters from the streets.
WS Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad news conference
SOT Mahathir (English): “The climax came on Sunday when he instigated his followers to riot, be violent, attack certain places and it is clear he was whipping up emotions in order to develop the kind of situation that was found in Indonesian“;
CA journalists;
SOT Mahathir: “A person I regarded as a friend and colleague and protegee.. action has to be taken because this man cannot be allowed to become a leader in a country like Malaysia“;
SOT Mahathir: “I actually interviewed the people he sodomised, the women, the driver - these told things were to be without police being there“;
SOT Mahathir: “What is there? I am going to retire and I had already named him as my successor - he did plan to overthrow me by making these accusations - at time very nice and smiling at same time plotting“;
“Not only sodomy he was masturbating as well“;
“This is a cover up - he doesn’t want people to focus on his misdemeanour, he wants to concentrate on what a great leader he is. It’s a facade he’s created himself“;
SOT Mahathir: “How fast he is charged is not for me to decide but for police and public proescutor, they themselves are being accused by Anwar and being called Mossad, Gestapo, they are trying to be professional and not be affected emotionally this, have to give them time can’t rush“;
VS security around Anwar’s house;
MS riot policeman;
PAN from house to police;
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