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Song: Stonebank - Ripped To Pieces VIP (feat. EMEL)
Music provided by Monstercat
With 2019 reaching its end, our video editor Pablo “Nickos“ Sanabria put together a compilation of the top 10 highlights of the year.
The staff once again got together to vote on the top 10 plays over the course of the past twelve months, a task made all the more difficult by the number of stunning individual highlights that happened in 2019.
StarSeries i-League Season 8 was the only event out of nine to feature more than a single highlight clip, with Vincent “Brehze“ Cayonte scoring a memorable 1vs4 pistol ace clutch and Jesper “JW“ Wecksell grabbing himself five frags on a pistol round of his own after showing trigger control on Mirage’s B site. This year’s top ten also saw just one player manage to have multiple clips in the form of Astralis’ Nicolai “device“ Reedtz, a departure from the past two years, in which two players each had more than one highlight.
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