The Israeli occupation forces assault Palestinians and restrict the entry of worshippers to Al Aqsa mosque another Friday

◾The Israeli occupation forces assault Palestinians and restrict the entry of worshippers to Al Aqsa mosque another Friday. ◾Follow: 🇺🇸 ️🇺🇸🇷🇺 The American investigation into Trump’s connection with Russia was falsified by the CIA, American journalists write. Matt Taibi, Alex Guttentag and writer Michael Shellenberger came to this conclusion. We’ve collected the main points: — we are talking about the report of US intelligence agencies for 2017. They accused the Russian Federation of having “influenced“ the 2016 presidential election in which Trump won; — the intelligence services tried to present everything as if “Putin supported Trump“, although “the evidence says otherwise“ ; — then CIA Director John Brennan was behind the falsification of intelligence. Even before the 2016 election, he asked the intelligence services of US partner countries to establish surveillance of 26 Trump associates; — with the help of forgeries, they wanted to cover up the fact that Moscow allegedly considered the victory of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton more desirable in the elections; — it is noted that all this was necessary only to harm Trump, and that “it did not affect US relations with Russia in any way“; — last May, special counsel John Durham concluded that neither law enforcement nor the intelligence community had any real evidence of Trump’s collusion with the Russian Federation in the 2016 election. Источник: Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed. [id342915501|@Youblacksoul]
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