DIY Hair Accessories ♥ Gold Leaf Headband and Hair Clips
♥Please Read Me!♥
Hey, Loves! It’s been too long since I last did a DIY so here is another fun project to make beautiful statement hair accessories for the fall time. I was inspired by the popular gold Grecian hair bands and thus came up with this very easy project. I hope you like it! :)
♥Products Used♥
1. Scissors
3. E-6000 Glue
4. Synthetic Gold Leaves and Beads
5. Hairband
6. 2 Hairclips
♥Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video.
♥Instagram: oiseau88
2 months ago 00:14:55 1
Бантики из репсовых лент в школу и на каждый день МК КАНЗАШИ DIY HAIR BOWS LAÇO DE fita
2 months ago 00:05:55 1
WOW!!! Very easy crochet hair band , Belt, and cord knitting pattern | DIY accessories #crochet