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Beau Miles: Bad River
Captain Charles Moore:
00:00 - Presenter intros, polls, resources, background
12:10 - Beau Miles’ Bad River doco
19:27 - Capt Charles Moore - Ocean gyres
31:05 - Damage to sea life-banning plastics
32:02 - Ocean plastic pollution | Ocean Protect
37:21 - Nanoplastics | microplastics
- Types of screening | stormwater treatment
49:12 - Guatemala | plastic tsunami | pollutant traps
1:01:38 - Future outlook | optimism vs pessimism
1:15:25 - Wrap up | future training
**Description*** Webi
...nar number 145
This landmark panel discussion is designed to change your life, or at least your lifestyle! When you trace a single-use plastic bottle from a polluted waterwayShow more