Matthew Goodwin: Are the NEW ELITE future proof?

A full list of lectures at The Academy 2023: PROFESSOR MATTHEW GOODWIN University of Kent; author, Values, Voice and Virtue: The New British Politics Lots of recent commentary from both progressives and conservatives has focused on the question of who the ‘elite’ are, and how, if at all, the make-up of the ruling elite has changed. For some, it’s the shady fund-managers and asset owners who bankroll populist movements. For others, it’s a new class of professional technocrats who’ve imbibed the latest ideas about gender and identity. Either way, few would deny that our current crop of elites seem singularly unprepared for the challenges and crises of the 21st Century. Why is this? 02:47 Who are the new elite? 09:38 How the new elite consolidate power 14:00 The most intolerant group in society: the new elite 17:22 The new re-alignment 20:30 The culture war over the classroom 25:13 A new moral hierarchy 27:12 How we take on the new elite - and win
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