We Challenge All Evolutionists to Watch This Video!

In this video, Calvin Smith takes a deep dive into the amazing kinesin protein. Unfortunately, evolutionists will claim that this protein is the result of chance, but if you take the time to listen to the experts who have researched this topic, this video will change your mind. Subscribe to us for more high-quality biblical content every week. _____________ DIGGING DEEPER šŸ”¹ _____________ BLOG šŸ”¹ See Calvinā€™s blog posts here: _____________ FREE e-BOOK Sign up for our email newsletter and get a free copy of Calvinā€™s eBook, ā€œFellow Biblical Creationists! - STOP Doing These 3 Thingsā€¦ā€ šŸ”¹ _____________ DONATIONS šŸ”¹ _____________ ANSWERS TV Need answers? Get equipped to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of Godā€™s Word with live and on-demand video content from Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, and other Ministries worldwide. šŸ”¹ Start your free trial today at _____________ Unless otherwise indicated, allĀ Scripture quotations are from The ESVĀ® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard VersionĀ®), copyright Ā© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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