Toy Story 4 Failed its Characters

Toy Story 4 is terrible. This video, in all its 720p glory with jarring copyright filters, is a retrospect on the returning characters from Toy Story 1, 2 and 3. That’s the Potato Heads, the LGMs, Rex, Hamm, Slinky, Bonnie & her toys, Jessie & Bullseye, Bo Peep, Buzz and Woody. Toy Story 4 destroyed every single one. Settle in, this’ll take a while. Channels I like and ripped off for this video: IHE - MauLer - Rags - Jay Exci - Southpaw - RedLetterMedia - Fringy - YMS - ralphthemoviemaker - Amanda the Jedi - Glidus - Cynical Reviews -
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