12. Deforum Core Parameters Explanation 2 Creating Complex Animations

This function zoom= * sin( * π * t / 30) can be explained in English as follows: 1. Basic Format: This is a time-dependent function, where zoom represents the zoom level, and t represents time (usually measured in seconds or other time units). 2. Initial Zoom Value: is the initial zoom value. This means that at the start of time (t=0), the zoom level is slightly more than 1, indicating a small initial enlargement. 3. Sinusoidal Fluctuation: The part * sin( * π * t / 30) is a sinusoidal fluctuation function, adding periodic variations to the base zoom value. ◦ Amplitude: is the amplitude, indicating the maximum range of fluctuation. This means the zoom level will fluctuate up and down by a maximum of from the base value (), thus varying between and . ◦ Frequency and Period: sin( * π * t / 30) determines the frequency and period of the fluctuation. Here, * π / 30 is the angular frequency, which dictates the period of the wave. The period is the length of time it takes for the wave to complete one full cycle of its pattern. In this case, the period is approximately 30 seconds (assuming t is measured in seconds). 4. Summary: In summary, this function describes a zoom level that varies over time, starting slightly above 1 and then oscillating in a very narrow range with a period of about 30 seconds. Such a function might be used in animations or visual effects to create a subtle dynamic zooming effect.
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