как плести лапти русские онлайн Кто же из наших чемпионов победит сегодня на соревнованиях?

как плести лапти русские онлайн Кто же из наших чемпионов победит сегодня на соревнованиях? - The speaker emphasizes the importance of administrators controlling the platform. 00:49 📚 Dreams of Running a Lapty Weaving School - The speaker shares their dream of running a bast shoe weaving school. - They encourage viewers to start their own schools and share their experiences. 02:00 🧶 Complexity of Lapty Weaving - Lapty weaving is described as a high-level skill with a challenging learning curve. - The manual weaving process is highlighted. 03:16 🏫 Promoting Your Lapty Weaving School - Viewers are encouraged to promote their lapty weaving schools, including providing contact information. - The idea of conducting masterclasses and sharing experiences is discussed. 04:15 🌾 Material Considerations for Lapty - The choice of materials for lapty weaving, especially for different climates, is discussed. - The flexib
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