Todd V Dating Weekly Q&A #22 — 11/24/21 пикап тодд

Date: 11/24/21 (3:28) How to show the willingness to walk away without walking away for real? (6:48) I know that ideally, you should have the girl chase you, but what if you’re dealing with a shy girl? Should you be a little more pushy with her than other girls? (9:36) Can I say this when the girl is challenging me? “I like that you give me a hard time, otherwise it’ll be too boring“, do you have a similar response? (12:45) When should you stop investing & offering value, and be entitled to the girl? At some point, it feels like she’s not putting a lot of effort in the interaction (17:58) Does being bold and doing risky uncalibrated things socially convey that you’re high value? (20:43) What are the primary forms of value that women are looking for to sleep with a guy? (in order) Do women generally give priority to one form over the others? (24:41) How to respond when you ask her if she’s adventurous and she says something like “I’m adventurous but not in the way you’re thinking“. Is this a sign to leave? (26:44) How do you deal with the “you’re too young“ objection when the girl is slightly older than you? Say I’m 22 and she’s 26. Not sure if lying a bit is a good idea. (31:22) If out for 1 night to show off to non-game friends how good you are at game; what strategies would you do? (quantity vs quality, avoid difficult sets, etc...)? (34:28) How to best leverage a girl’s peer group or social circle liking me? (35:39) She actually guessed like 24. (36:38) On the open sometimes if it’s not going well I straight up ask the girl if she wants me to leave. She usually says “No“ and starts opening up. (38:16) Have you ever gamed an Asian girl in an Asian country, i.e. Japanese, Korean or Thai girl? Have you found any clear different traits due to cultural differences? (41:11) What makes emotional spikes so attractive to women? (42:55) What are some of the more effective ways to break rapport on a cold approach? (44:08) Just had a two-set where I followed . well, but I couldn’t hook. It was 90/10 the entire 5-minute set. Tried teases, exaggerated (and comprehensive) storytelling about how the 2 met.. nothing (47:07) I live in Thailand and “some“ transgender here really look like real women, only small nuances distinguish between the two so I qualify girl with “You’re not a transgender, right?“. Is that good? Should it make girls question their own looks and poke some qualification or it is too offensive? (52:30) How important is the initial interaction with the girl (before sex) if you would like to have threesomes with her in the future? I heard you say that women don’t like going backward when it comes to relationships. So if you missed the window of opportunity to bring up threesomes early, it’s difficult to do it later. (54:11) I am approaching fewer women than before because I developed a mindset that I should only open perfect girls that I can date. I used to approach any approachable girl when I was dealing with approach anxiety. How can I fix my mindset? I am getting less experience this way and I know it hurts me. (56:36) Hello Todd! Is the “3-second rule“ good advice for all levels - beginner, intermediate and advanced? (58:32) What would your recommendations be for opening in daygame when a girl moving towards you makes eye contact with you? (59:57) I’m doing a lot better with Asian girls, maybe because I speak the language and I provide more comfort. But I find hotter Asian girls are similar to white girls who need more value and push away. Is this similar to your experience? (1:03:28) Ideally, you should have the girl chase you, but I’m having a hard time getting the 9s and 10s to chase and invest. Like, I’m rarely able to lay back and let them chase. It feels like I have to bend over backward to hold their attention. What strategy works the best with them? (1:04:53) Regarding lying about your age. I am 47. Usually, I approach younger girls. If the age difference is more than 10 years I usually make myself younger. Do you think this is acceptable or would you recommend being always honest? (1:06:06) I think I ruined a great two set by not stopping my verbal stack after my target gave me something. What am I doing after they give me something small - am I just relying on teases, push- pulls, and other attraction techniques, even if they don’t give me much? (1:07:30) How did you deal with your emotionally down points when you were first learning the game? Did you ever feel like maybe this doesn’t work or that you weren’t going to be able to figure it out? If so, how did you deal with these emotions? (1:10:36) Whenever I try to use a substitute for the English word “trouble“, I notice I’m not using it correctly and the sets go poorly. I’ll stop doing so. (1:11:27) Is there a difference between coming off as someone
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