Combat work of the crews of the T-72B3M tanks

Combat work of the crews of the T-72B3M tanks The crews of the tanks of the North group of forces in their area of ​​​​responsibility often go out to work with direct fire on the enemy. The footage shows a combat vehicle firing at fortified positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The work is carried out from the field. The tank’s gun is capable of direct fire at a distance of up to 3 km. In combat, tanks also operate from closed firing positions. This is when the tank actually turns into an artillery piece. The projectile flies faster to the target, and the vehicle itself is more maneuverable. However, during assault operations in urban environments, tanks are also used at short distances, when the vehicle fires directly. The T-72B3M tank is one of the most modern Russian tanks. An automated fire control system allows him to quickly navigate the battlefield. This is achieved, for example, by a thermal imaging sight with an automatic target search system and a weather data sensor. T... Source: Military Wave
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