First Korean elections after WWII (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit 1952 Korean elections as Syngman Rhee returns to office as 1st President of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Our Roving Camera Reports SOUTH KOREA: Unknown: EXT ELECTIONS. 1952 Elections in Korea. First Presidential vote on country Shots posters etc. queuing for votes.. voting etcetc????. Syngman Rhee takes office again KOREA. First Presidential Elections in Korea. shots posters etc. queue to place votes etc. voting etc.. Syngman Rhee the President once again DR RHEE - President of Korea Elected to office of Korean President in 1952 Votes. 1st in the country.. shots Korea; Government and Politics, First Korean president, 1st Korean president, peacetime, postwar Background: 1952 Korean elections as Syngman Rhee returns to office as 1st President of the Provisional Government of the Re
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