B.C. Rich Chuck Schuldiner Tribute Stealth 4K guitar close up video

Here is a close up video of quite rare 2008 B.C. Rich Chuck Schuldiner Tribute Stealth. Here is a link to the short demo of my other one: For sale at Oxford Guitars: Please click like, leave a comment and subscribe to my channel for more guitar videos. Thanks for watching. Follow Oxford Guitars on: Facebook: Instagram: @oxfordguitars The guitar is for sale at . If you are interested in buying it, please click the link below: Or visit my shop: Will ship worldwide - message me and I will check how much it will cost to ship it to you. For sale rare B.C. Rich Stealth Chuck Schuldiner Tribute Stealth in excellent condition. These are highly sought after, as this was a limited production run, and don’t come up for sale too often. If you are Chuck Schuldiner fan, grab it while you c
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