NSW Rural Fire Service urges community to be on alert as temperatures rise

NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Rob Rogers has expressed concerns about the weather conditions the state is set to endure on Tuesday. Total fire bans are in place for the Greater Sydney Region, Greater Hunter, Far South Coast, Northern Slopes, North Western, Upper Central West Plains, Lower Central West Plains and Central Ranges. “Of course, new fires are the things that really concern us because the fires we know about, we obviously plan what they could potentially do and have plans in place to deal with that,” Commissioner Rogers told Sky News Australia. “That’s where we really need the community to help us here, so if you see a fire, if you see smoke that you can’t see a fire truck at, please report it to triple 0 to make sure we know about all the fires and make sure we know about all the fires and can get on them as quick as we can. “That gives us a much better chance of wrapping those fires up.” The Bureau of Meteorology confirmed New South Wales recorded its second-warmest and driest September on record.
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