Green Noise | Sleep Well to Earth’s Average Sound

Green Noise version 3 is here to relax and sleep well, to focus, to meditate, or for noise making with a blend of natural noises from around Planet Earth. Wind, rain, fire, waterfalls, ocean surf, snowstorms, distant lightning, volcanoes and more sounds from my archive are blended together in the recording studio to make a smooth and constant natural noise that is reminiscent of Pink Noise, White Noise or Brown Noise. The Creation Process: Now with imagery from across the world to elevate mood as a background listen and view. These images change over time while the sound remains constant. The sounds were mixed at the recording studio to a blend that suited my sonic taste: Just the right amount of crackle from fires, wind howling and epic low frequency bass from volcanoes, water falls and beach surf. May you find this version the best yet. With so much noise on Earth, I look forward to collecting more noise and doing it once again. Thanks for listening, Dale More Noise for you: Pink Noise: Green Noise 2: Orange Noise: Here are ways to support the channel: Subscribe: Try Super Thanks :) Buy Noise Downloads here: Dalesnale - Noise Ambient on Patreon: Tip Jar: Thanks for your support #greennoise #noiseambient #earthnoise #dalesnale
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