How to Chalk Paint Over a previous painted project furniture Flip.

In this tutorial I set about sharing how to paint over a previously painted project in chalk paint.  I also wanted to turn the whole project around to take it from a contemporary finish to a more age old classic, I have used woodubend Mouldings to completely change the structure add a few other hidden techniques along the way To add age old patina Most of all I just had real good fun creating my project and I truly hope that you will take something away from my journey and pop it into your projects. If you have any questions regarding the content please don’t hesitate to give me a message I’ll do my best to come back to you with answers and if you’ve enjoyed watching and you are new here please subscribe for Tutorials. #chalkpaint #paintedfurniture #furnitureflip #chalkpaintedfurniture #anniesloan #furnitureflipping #homedecor #furniture #furnitureupcycle
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