Learn Mandarin Chinese - Clickable Picture - Body Parts

head 头, hair 头发, forehead 额头, eye 眼睛, eyebrow 眉毛, eyelashes 眼睫毛, ear 耳朵, nose 鼻子, mouth 嘴巴, teeth 牙齿, tongue 舌头, face 脸, cheek 脸颊/腮帮子, chin下巴, neck 脖子, shoulder 肩膀, arm 手臂, armpit 腋窝, elbow 肘, hand 手, palm 手掌, wrist 手腕, finger 手指, thumb 拇指, back 背, belly 肚子, bellybutton 肚脐, waist 腰, hip 臀部, leg 腿, knee 膝盖, thigh 大腿, foot 脚, ankle 脚踝, heel 脚后跟, toe 脚趾 Want your kids to learn Chines
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