News of Elon Musk’s projects | Apple’s AI | DARPA held a battle between AI and humans | Pro robots

Explore groundbreaking tech in this episode where Elon Musk discusses Optimus and DARPA AI pilots. Experience AI’s capability in controlling F-16 jets, and get a glimpse of Australia’s stealthy underwater ’Ghost’ robots. Discover a hybrid of a new search engine and GPT, shaping the future of web interactions. Marvel at China’s S1 robot, noted for its speed and autonomous precision, capable of intricate tasks like calligraphy without human aid. Learn about Sanctuary AI’s Phoenix robot, which adapts to new tasks within 24 hours, and observe the rise of humanoid robots globally, from stair-climbing Androids to the swift Tang Gong. Witness tech giants like Apple entering the robot race with a versatile home bot and their privacy-focused AI, OpenElm. Elon Musk’s vision for Tesla includes leveraging its fleet for cloud computing and introducing a budget electric car. Stay updated on the use of AI in air combat through DARPA’s innovative program. Like, share, and subscribe to keep up with the latest in AI an
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