Miss America | Russel Pmv!

(CW): None! Pov: You’re having a mid-life crisis that’s making you do dumb things, and the guilt hits you all at once I swear every week a new That Handsome Devil song gets stuck in my head- So I decided to animate part of this one! It’s just so calm and melancholy, perfect for my sad ol rabbit man, Russel :) That Handsome Devil’s music in general fits him really well, so I might just come back with another one of these in the future- ALSO DON’T GET USED TO THIS UPLOAD SCHEDULE! I am a very slow artist this only happens once in a blue moon lmao =========== 🐇 =|× Designs/Characters (Jack...) Russel: Irene Russel (silhouette): =========== 📺 =|× Programs Used: Flipaclip, IbisPaintX Devices Used: Galaxy Tabs6, Standard Stylus =========== 🥃 =|
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