STICK MOBILITY // Warrior YOGA Flow // Guided Workout For Shoulders and Hips

Today’s 15 minute guided Stick Mobility Warrior Yoga Flow workout features joint mobilization, stability and strength training, and active and passive stretching. The focus of this class is stretching and strengthening your hips, spine, and shoulders while moving through familiar yoga warrior positions. This yoga flow workout is a perfect strength and stretch session for shoulders, spine, and hips. If you like my Stick Mobility Shoulder & Spine Warmup, you’ll love this one as well! You’ll need one stick for this workout, and while I’m using a 5ft stick, you can use a shorter or longer stick, based on your size and the space you’re in. Purchase your Stick Mobility sticks here: ***For 10% OFF use this link*** Regular stretching and joint mobilization is important for everyone to improve balance and stability, reduce pain, and prevent injury. Whether you’re a just starting out on your fitness journey or a s
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