English Christian Song | “God Wishes Mankind Will Pursue the Truth and Survive“

English Christian Song | “God Wishes Mankind Will Pursue the Truth and Survive“ I Why must man pursue the truth? The foremost reason is that, to God, pursuing the truth involves His management, involves His expectations of mankind, and involves the hopes that He entrusts to mankind. This is one part of God’s management plan. This is one part of God’s management plan. Whoever you are and however long you’ve believed in God, if you do not pursue the truth or love it, you will inevitably end up as one who is to be cast out. This is plain as day. II God does three stages of work; He has had a management plan since He created mankind, and He has gone on to effect each of its stages, one by one, in mankind, and to lead mankind, step by step, to the present. How great the painstaking effort and the price He has paid forth, and how long He has endured, toward the ultimate goal of working the truths He expresses and each aspect of
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