Bombing Iran would be preventing war Nikki Haley

US Presidential never-really-all-that-hopeful Nikki Haley has come up with a foolproof, watertight, ironclad, failsafe way of preventing war in Iran: bomb Iran. As she inexplicably continues to campaign against Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination, Haley went on CNBC to discuss her unique brand of neo-conservative geopolitics. ‘You punch, and you punch back hard,’ she said, responding to a question about the recent deaths of US servicemen on the Jordan/Syria border, widely blamed on Iran. ‘What they should be doing is going after every ounce of production of those missiles. Wherever those missiles are, you take that out.’ The host wondered if bombing everywhere in Iran all at once might provoke a war, but Haley was, as always, thinking eight moves ahead. ‘It’s not starting war,’ she said, ‘it’s actually preventing war.’ Nikki Haley’s ‘bomb Iran to stop war with Iran’ strategy is brought to you by the same minds as her campaign strategy of ‘lose all the primaries to win the election.’
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