Картинки с выставки -М. П. Мусоргский- Фестиваль Вербье 2024 - James Gaffigan conducts Mussorgsky

Modest Mussorgsky/Maurice Ravel, Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade 1. Gnomus Promenade 2. Il Vecchio Castello Promenade 3. The Tuileries Gardens 4. Bydło (“Cattle“) Promenade 5. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 6. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 7. Limoges - the marketplace 8. Catacombae : Sepulchrum Romanum 9. The Hut on Hen’s legs (Baba Yaga) 10. The Great Gate of Kiev Cast Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra James Gaffigan — Conductor Program notes American conductor James Gaffigan leads the Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra in a theatrical work: Ravel’s famous orchestration of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, a series of evocative musical tableaux that transport us from Paris to Kyiv through ingeniously programmatic writing. ’s studio features and broadcasts from the 2024 Verbier Festival are produced with the support of Madame Aline Foriel-Destezet. Venue: Salle des Combins (Verbier, Switzerland) Broadcast date: Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 2:45 PM
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