#Cryptocurrencies #ZEC, #MATIC and #1FLR are losing their image!

ATTENTION ! DANGER ! SCAMERS! HELP STOP AND PUNISH THE LIARS! CHEATED OF $10,000! I DEMAND SATISFACTION! My negative review on and I ask you to leave your negative feedback in the form of 1 star! All 5 star reviews were bought or written by a team of scammers! #Cryptocurrencies #ZEC, #MATIC and #1FLR are losing their image! P.S. Even purchasing PRO SUPORTER for a year did not save me from having my account blocked. #Russia #society #family #deception #hate #cryptocurrency #scammer #scam #caution #reviews #negative #crypto #important #anger #help #polls #predictions #health #quotes #UnitedRussia #question for friends #danger #attention
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