“The shivering whispers of a thousand prayers accusing their gods to relieve them from overwhelming and eternal darkness. A world in agony facing the truth, the lack of a divine being to retrieve their souls. And as their scream become silent a bleak veil drips down to earth and slowly turns to peaceful silence” Zephid Realm - UPHEAVAL -------------------------------------------- Upheaval is a dystopian visual journey into a world of cosmic horror, filled with darkness and chaos. Drawing on the lore of the Zephid cult, this short film interprets the arrival and birth of the Last Traveller, an invasive, dark entity that uses planets as hosts and breeding grounds to give birth to its matter of chaos. The born swarm intelligence takes over the surface of the planets, plunging all previous life into destruction and chaos. The Traveller and its Matter of Chaos are the beginning of an unstoppable cycle that will take over the entire universe in billions of years. -------------------------------------------- All Animations and scenes are rendered in Blender. written and animated by: Robin Zeeb Audio processing and mastering: Robin Zeeb Lore and Lyrics: Thomas Winkler Voice acting: Laura Fish Follow me on : insta: @dayliriumarts #shortfilm #animation #blender
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