Alcyon Pleiades Special 15: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Communist China, WHO-Gates (2022)

Who is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization, who has held humanity’s fate in his hands, throughout the Covid crisis? His track record has recently come to light and it is striking to find that Tedros Adhanom’s political career began at the politburo of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, TPLF, a terrorist organisation currently in power in Ethiopia. It has committed countless crimes against the people – including kidnappings, bombings and armed robberies – and Amnesty International has been denouncing its political violence for decades. In one incriminatory dossier, Tedros Adhanom is accused of having actively rolled out genocidal policy, as Ethiopia’s Minister of Health and he is known for having covered up several cholera outbreaks in his native country and Sudan. Besides having no medical degree, Tedros Adhanom, presided over and participated in, the largest-ever financial corruption scandal, for the misuse of global funds in Ethiopia. Tedros’s programme is closely aligned with the priorities of the Global Health Security Agenda, promoted by the WHO’s main funders and influencers, namely, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. Furthermore, as a CCP puppet, he sold out the whole world, in the name of protecting China, causing countless deaths and mass injuries, via the murderous Covid vaccine. Accused of being ’a mass murderer’, ’corrupt’ and ’responsible for crimes against humanity’, he is facing lawsuits before the International Criminal Court. Video by Alcyon Pleiades Alcyon Pleiades Documentation (D-U)
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