Heavy US bomber forces raid Berlin in daylight / RAF release pictures of 12,000 lb bomb (1944)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit US Flying Fortresses conducting daylight air raids on Berlin and footage of a giant lb bomb. Full Description: GERMANY: Berlin: GAV (AERIAL) about 6 Fortresses flying over Channel. LAV 6 Fortresses flying over Channel. CU side view pilot in plane. SAV looking down on 3 bombers flying over enemy territory. CUAV 2 bombers flying over enemy territory. GAV 17 bombers over cloud. SV machinegunner wearing oxygen mask. CU navigator wearing oxygen mask. GAV vapour trails from many bombers. Nearer shot vapour trails from many bombers. GAV man bombers over clouds and Berlin. CUAV bomber flying thru flak. SAV flak bursting. SAV 2 bombers dropping bombs. GAV bombs bursting on target. GAV bombs dropping from bomber. GAV bombs bursting on target. LAV shot formation of 12 bombers in air homeward bound. CU feathered prop. pan
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