Churchill The Man - Commonwealth Version - Reel 2 (1950-1959)

Reel 2. 01:36:51 1938 - montage - C/U of man holding an advertising board for the Evening News which reads: “Keep Calm - And Dig“, men digging trenches, children gathered for evacuation, C/U of children, evacuees walking along railway platform, Churchill entering Admiralty, Neville Chamberlain leaving 10 Downing Street - Churchill entering it, French refugees walking along a road with British troops moving in the opposite direction, M/S of refugees moving their belongings with prams and bicycles, horse and cart etc. Speech about the “new dark age..“ Dunkirk May 1940. M/Ss of wounded men walking up a gangplank to board a boat. Churchill voiceover “...this was their finest hour“ speech. 01:37:57 Montage of Winston Churchill attempting to present arms, balancing on a sloping log and laying bricks - smoking cigar throughout. The Battle of Britain - August 1940. “Never in the field of human conflict“ speech on soundtrack. . scramble, planes taking off, air to air shots, bombed buildings, dogf
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