The Carp Bug - McFly Angler Fly Tying Tutorials

I had a customer ask me to tie a few of these carp bugs for him. They are fairly easy to tie, and seem like they would be effective. I personally have not tried fishing one of these, but I will try using them on my next trip out for carp and other warm water species like sunfish and bass. I suspect it will work great for all of these fish species. It looks like its intended to mimic a dragonfly nymph, which is a very common food source for many species of freshwater fish. Like I said its fairly easy to tie, and you can fill a box in a couple hours with different colors and sizes of these flies. So give it a try! As you all know, I work closely and they have offered every one of my subscribers a discount. So go to their shop, and type in “McFly“ at checkout for 15% off of anything you buy on their site. Here is a list of materials and tools I used on this fly. Materials _________________ Hook: Gamakatsu B10S (size 6) - https://www
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