The Mystery of Canberra’s Baffling Figurines: Are they Ancient Artefacts or Modern Fakes?“

The Mystery of Canberra’s Baffling Figurines: Are they Ancient Artefacts or Modern Fakes?“ Description: This video explores the strange and enigmatic collection of figurines discovered by German explorer Waldemar Julsrud in a Mexican cave in 1944. Despite carbon dating and other scientific tests proving their authenticity, many still dispute their validity. Could they be ancient artefacts depicting extinct animals and even extraterrestrial beings, or are they simply modern fakes? The Museum of Canberra currently hosts a public exhibition of select pieces from the collection. Hashtags: #CanberraFigurines #AncientArtefacts #MysteryObjects #Archaeology #CarbonDating #Extraterrestrial #ExtinctAnimals #ModernFakes
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