Three weeks ago, Resistance News Network published this video of an Al-Qassam Brigades fighter speaking after an incredibly inte

Three weeks ago, Resistance News Network published this video of an Al-Qassam Brigades fighter speaking after an incredibly intense, but short battle in Jenin camp in which the resistance emerged victorious. The battle coincided with escalating Gaza border protests. His message was that the Palestinian Authority cannot divide the united resistance despite all efforts! To the PA, he said, “Pack up your soldiers! Go and arrest the PA soldiers that were fighting with us, the honorable ones!“ “If the occupation ended [the national situation in Jenin] today, Gaza is present with missiles that can reach from the beginning of Palestine to the end of Palestine. If the national situation disappeared in Jenin today, it would come out of Nablus, Tulkarem, Gaza, and Al-Khalil!“ Источник: Lord Of War
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