The Listeners In - An Off Moment Of Well Known Folk (1922)

Car drives along a country lane. Intertitle invites audience to guess who the occupants of the car are. A woman and two men get out of the car with funny business going on - woman powders her nose before she will leave the car, man then powders nose of their Pekingese (Pekinese) dog. It is Seymour Hicks, Ellaline Terriss and Stanley Logan. Comic moments revolve around things being dropped (cushions, powder puff, dog!) as the woman passes the men different things to hold. Intertitle reads: “After tea they joined the “listening in“ brigade, on a new Radio set“. The three of them sit around a large radio set and listen in through headphones. They all sing along to whatever it is they have found in the “ether“. Intertitle reads: “Oh! the language! Someone must have been sending from a golf links“. They all look outraged (very funny faces) and pull their headphones off. They then decide that they must look pleasant for the camera and all smile and laugh. Cute and funny stuff. Safety print
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