Younger Women Do THIS When Hitting On Older Men (Men WILL Miss These)

Younger Women Do THIS When Hitting On Older Men (Men WILL Miss These) Have you ever found yourself second guessing if the dynamics in your friendship have shifted, but you’re not too sure? Maybe your friend has started flirting with you but you don’t know if she’s flirting with you or if she’s just being extra nice and you’ve never noticed it before. Or maybe you’re oblivious to her hitting on you and just presume because you’re older than her that she couldn’t possibly ever be flirting with you. Why would she? You’re an older man so that rules you out, doesn’t it? Wrong! Women love older men for several reasons so don’t go around beating yourself up because you’re in a different age bracket. Instead of cancelling yourself out of the game before the whistle has been blown, settle down and listen to the coach. When a woman is hitting on you she will do one of the following things to get noticed by you. So pay attention and start ticking off the list as we go along - maybe she’s been hitting o
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