Me JERRY and Larry are back with another insanely broken BUILD in Dota 2! Just pick Shadow Fiend buy Arcane Blink, Aghanims Scepter and be lucky so you get Timeless Relic! You will fear your opponents for EVER! Use this power with care, IceFrog is going to punish you if you are using this power for evil! Be a GIGACHAD and support us on Patreon to get some amazing benefits! :D If you have any suggestions on which combo or silly build we can try next, just make a comment about it, we are going to read every single one! Thanks for watching and see you soon my friend! :) Subscribe to see your weekly dose of DOTA 👾: Follow Smolriki (aka Stinky Gremlin or Berry) on Youtube and Twitch: 👇 Tell us in the comments below if you like our vi
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