The Vatican confirms the existence of aliens. Pope Benedict XVI: Aliens are our brothers! 2022

The Vatican confirms the existence of aliens. Pope Benedict XVI: Aliens are our brothers! 2022 The role of the Vatican in the official disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial life has recently entered a renewed focus, with two related developments on June 14, 2017. The first is an interfaith initiative of several world religious leaders, including Pope Francis, to promote friendship and unity between communities of diverse faith through a joint declaration. According to the secret space programs of the revealer Corey Goode, Pope Francis and other world leaders have been contacted by a group of four human-looking extraterrestrial civilizations that encourage them to unite, as a prelude to the establishment of a new global religion. The second development was the synchronous launch on June 14 of an alleged Majestic Document-12 that describes four groups of aliens known to the military intelligence community, including one that looks human and friendly. He states that formal diplomatic rela
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