Alan Silson and Phil Shackleton unplugged

This video was shot on March 15th, 2011 and it shows “Old Smokie“ Alan Silson and “Old Folkie“ Phil Shackleton performing one of the first hits of “Smokie“ unplugged on Phil’s balcony. “If You Think You Know How To Love Me“ (by N. Chinn / M. Chapman) is still Alan Silson’s favourite Smokie-song. He’s been a founding member of “Smokie“ and he left the band in 1996. He’s currently working on new songs and projects. Phil Shackleton lives and works in Alan’s neighbourhood here in Germany and he’s also now working on new songs and touring around. Alan and Phil became friends and they collaborate on new songs as well. One of those is already finished. Stay tuned for more and visit Phil on and Alan at This video was done by Norman Osthus of during a nice day at Phil’s. An audio-podcast providing an interview with both of them will be released within the “NormCast“-Podcast very soon. In English language, of course :-) You can find more about the original Smokie-recordings here: (German) You can find the current Smokie-band here:
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