Stretchy Milk Mochi!! Make Plain And Matcha Mochi With Same Dough | 原味还是抹茶?拉丝鲜奶麻糬

I make two mochi with red bean filling, one is plain and another one is matcha. These mochi are really soft and stretchy. Don’t step back thinking make two mochi dough will be time consuming because you can actually make them with the SAME MOCHI DOUGH. 很软嫩Q弹的鲜奶麻糬,内馅是红豆。除了原味麻糬,我把另一半做成抹茶口味,因为就觉得抹茶就是要配红豆(*^-^*)。两种口味都各有风味,我偏爱抹茶,吃进嘴里会有一股淡淡的抹茶香气;但小孩就比较喜欢原味。还好都是用同一份面糊,做成两种口味也不难啦😊 Ingredients: 1)Glutinous Rice Flour – 80g 2)Corn Starch – 20g 3)Sugar – 30g 4)Milk – 140g 5)Cooking Oil – 10g 6)Cooked Flour – 2 tbsp 7)Matcha Powder 8)Red Bean Paste – 200g More Recipes 更多食谱: Facebook page: Red Bean Paste 红豆馅: Glutinous Rice Flour 糯米粉: Corn Starch 玉米粉: Matcha Powder 抹茶粉: 材料: 1)糯米粉 – 80g 2)玉米淀粉 – 20g 3)白糖 – 30g 4)牛奶 – 140g 5)食用油 – 10g 6)熟粉 – 2 tbsp 7)抹茶粉 – 适量 8)红豆沙 – 200g #mochi #matchamochi #抹茶麻糬 #红豆麻糬
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