Which Marshall Would You Choose – JTM45 or 1987x Plexi?

Two iconic Marshalls - which one would you choose? Welcome to the show! A very simple proposition today - take two classic Marshalls, give ‘em a hammering and see what’s what. Both amps are modern reissues: a 2245 JTM45 and a 1987x ‘Plexi’. They are both non-master volume amps that you will hear through the same cabinet. No attenuators, no direct sounds, no cab modelling, no post EQ or plugins – just the amps, speakers and microphones. Big thanks to our mate Jake Loosemore for selling us the JTM45! Questions arising… How are you switching the amps? With a Radial Headbone VT, remote switched via TheGigRig G3 - links below What is the speaker cabinet? A Marshall 1960AX 412 with Celestion G12M Greenback speakers Why two mics? There’s an Austrian Audio OC18 and an AKG D190e. I recorded them both and mixed them to taste. (Mick here, hello). There’s also a goodly dose of stereo room mics in the mix - 2 x AKG C414XL. Why no FX loop discussio
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