What if Germany had won WW1? - Kaiserreich Universe Documentary [E02] - Commune of France 1917-1923

🎌 Design & Print your own alt-history flag: | 🛒 Merch: -------- [WHAT IF GERMANY WON WW1? | KAISERREICH LORE E02 - COMMUNE OF FRANCE 1917-1923] This fictional Kaiserreich Documentary series explores the althistory timeline of the world’s most popular althistory IP, ’Kaiserreich’. In the world of Kaiserreich, Germany and her Central Power allies win WW1, leading to a world very different than our own. In this second episode, the Kaiserreich team takes a closer look at the left-wing revolution that heralds doom for the defeated French Republic. Humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles, and burdened with economic downturn, the Third French Republic finally collapses and makes way for a Commune Of France. This ’Syndicate Socialist’ revolution would originate in Paris, but later form the inspiration for a world alliance of syndicalist nations and revolutions. In this new world, Germany and her allies must face... a red dawn over Europe. --------- 📌 - C
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