Michel Garcia’s one-bath technique. Basics.

This video presents the second Michel Garcia’s online course of the “From Plant to Dye“ course bundle, Mordants. Creating affinities. The course is available here: This video represents the original technique for dyeing silk and wool with natural dyes. Michel needs no introduction. He is a botanist, naturalist, historian, philosopher and one of the world’s greatest experts on natural dyes. He has contributed immensely to the revival of natural dyeing that is happening today. For about 30 years he has been studying traditional dyeing practices and historical materials, experimenting, and creating innovative sustainable techniques, that are quick, simple, and efficient. Michel is a great teacher, he knows how to explain the most complicated issues so that everyone understands, and to pass on to the students his approach to the subject. This new video course gives the maximum of Michel’s concepts in his own words. It reflects his system of ideas about the chemistry of natural dyes, about plants, and about the history and philosophy. The first video course “Colorants. Beyond the Recipe“ takes us straight into Michel’s atelier and to the white board, where Michele masterfully draws chemical formulas, prepares extracts, pigments, conjures over a huge 300-liter indigo vat, makes watercolor paints for his wife Charlotte, or collects lichens in the woods. Many people say that by taking Michel’s course (in person), they understood many things they had not understood for years. This new video course aims to do just that. You can join the course here, on the “woolmasters“ page. We made a convenient interactive interface: the video is divided into parts, with textual explanations, diagrams and even a quiz. At the same time, you get links to the video with subtitles in French, Spanish, Italian and German. The great value of this course is also that you can ask questions directly to Michel in a closed FB group “From Plant to dye“. Everyone who has purchased this course is invited to join the group. Currently, four Michel’s tutorials are available online, the fifth will be released soon.
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