MowMan covers Öngyilkos Vasárnap by Venetian Snares
MowMan performing Ongylkos Vasàrnap
EN - A free version for the Reszo Seress ’Szomorù Vasàrnap’, the hungarian suicide song that became Gloomy Sunday thanks to Billie Holiday, here in the renewed Aaron Funk-ish version, played with live drums, vocals and electronics.
Thank you for watching, and keep sharing if you like it!
IT - Una libera interpretazione del brano di Rezso Seress ’Szomorù Vasàrnap’, la canzone ungherese del suicidio diventata ’Gloomy Sunday’ grazie a Billie Holiday, quì nella versione re
10 years ago 00:03:36 54
MowMan covers Öngyilkos Vasárnap by Venetian Snares