HARDY’S NAVAL MATERIAL. Taken With the Battle Fleet Covering the Allied Landing Operations...(1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Newsreel footage of battle fleet covering allied landing operations in North Africa. Full Description: AT SEA: EXT Various of planes flying along (including Grumman Martlett), flying near aircraft carrier, ship firing guns. Guns and equipment on ship. Pom guns and man looking out. Man looking thru binoculars. Aircraft Carrier. Wake from ship. Looking down on to deck of ship and guns. Various of Troops exercising on deck. Plane flying over Aircraft Carrier. Two Destroyers, one behind the other, passing each other. Sailor looking thru binoculars. Pom guns. Wake at side of ship. Navy personnel on range finder and one at wireless. Stern of ship showing wake. INT Various of Vice-Admiral smoking cigarette in cabin and speaking to another officer. EXT Ship on horizon, wake of ship. Convoy of ships on horizon. Catapu
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