How the flash should have ended...

I made an alternative ending for the flash where the ninth season is the tenth. We are in 2024, after the crisis( a different one from the original), we discover that Eobard Thawne was behind everything, it was all a plan made up for making Barry suffer. The flash achieve the goal of stopping the crises and the anti flash, full of rage, goes back in time to kill eleven years old Barry. As we all know he doesn’t succed and he remains without speed. After the killing of Barry’s mother and the end of the crises, the only speedster that has a piece of speedforce inside is the flash(the crises has almost disintegrated positive speedforce, and what remains of it has been corrupted by negative speedforce). To restore the universal equilibrium Barry understand that he must do a sacrifice, he has to became the speedforce. He spends a last day with the one year old Nora, his wife Iris and all of the team flash before he vanishes. In the end he became the lightning that struck himself in 2013. In the end the fam
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